As a cloud based solution, subscriptions must be cancelled through your account at .
To cancel your Shuffle subscription:
1.) Go to
2.) Login to your account with your email and your password. If you have forgotten your password, simply click "Forgot?" and re-enter your email for password recovery instructions. Be sure to check your SPAM folder for password recovery instructions.
3.) Once you login, select "{{}}" on the right side and select "My Account".
4.)Select "Billing Information" on the left side.
5.) Beneath your "Subscription Information" you will see a blue "Manage Subscription" button. Click this link and unselect the check mark next to your solution.
6.) You will see a yellow box that validates that your subscription will be cancelled and it will tell you the last day that you have access to your subscription.
7.) Check the "I agree to continue" box and select "Continue"
8.) You have cancelled your solution. You will also receive a cancellation confirmation emailed to you.